© Grundfos Holding A/S 04.2023 Grundfos products in poultry processing Process steps (evisceration) 0423/IND/4014685-Brandbox Unloading Inspection Stunner (electrified water) Killer (throat slit) Additional process: - blood trough Scalding/ immersion tank (chemical treatment) Picking Hock cutting Additional Venting process: - water for paws Mechanical room Chemical room Opener/ bird wash Additional processes: - cropper - vaccum system - bird brush cabinet Neck skinner Additional process: - IOBW PreChill dip (critical control point - CCP) FLOOR DRAINS CHEMICAL TREATMENT Pre-chill/ main chill/ final chill Wastewater / Reuse Further processing and shipping Boiler / DA (Deaerator) Water pump (Non-potable) Booster pump Dosing pump Cooling towers Solids removal (o ff al) Dissolved air oation unit Water reuse Onsite/O site treatment Water Intake & Feed Cleaning Processes Ground Water Surface Water Split-case Pumps HS Tap Water OPC* CIP* End-Suction Pumps NB/NK Chemical Dosing Systems DTS/DSS/Accessories Packaging cleaning Multistage Pumps CR/CRE Multistage Pumps CR/CRE Submersible Pumps SP Booster Systems Hydro MPC Dosing Pumps ClO 2 Systems Washdown Processes Hydro MPC WT Chart Water Treatment DID Multistage Pumps CR/CRE Chemical Dosing Systems DTS/DSS/ Accessories Dosing Pumps ClO 2 Systems WWT Chart Wastewater Treatment Wastewater pumps S / SE / SL Chemical Dosing Systems DTS/DSS/ Accessories Dosing Pumps End-suction Pumps NB/NK Reuse Chart Boiler Chart Cooling Chart Water Reuse Boiler Systems Cooling Systems Dosing Pumps End-Suction Pumps NB/NK Steam Hot water Multistage Pumps CR/CRE CM/CME Single Stage NBE/NKE TP/TPE Magna Multistage Pumps CR/CRE Chemical Dosing Systems DTS/DSS/ Accessories Multistage Pumps CR/CRE High-Pressure Pumps BM/BMS Booster Systems Hydro MPC Control System Pressure and Temperature Sensors Differential Pressure Sensor Integrated and External Frequency Converters CUE / MGE Grundfos Remote Management CIM / CIU Pump Control Grundfos GO Remote Flow Sensors VFS Pump Condition Monitoring Grundfos iSOLUTIONS Monitor OPC* = Open Plant Cleaning, CIP* = Cleaning in Place Disclaimer: We do not supply pumps with hygienic design!
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